Close up shot of a man's Indigenous regalia

Explore summaries from all past CoP events, review presentation slides and other event sourced materials, and connect with featured subject matter experts (SME).

Unlocking Opportunity: How Developing Tribal Broadband Advances Communities and Business Services (Information Session)

Unlocking Opportunity: How Developing Tribal Broadband Advances Communities and Business Services (Information Session)

Broadband and telecommunications, are sectors that represent areas of significant infrastructural need with tribal and Native lands, provide tremendous current opportunities for significant funding, and offer fertile ground for new partnerships with non-Native entities and governments.

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Creating an Economic Development Plan and Embarking on Plan Implementation - Part 1 (Virtual Training)

Creating an Economic Development Plan and Embarking on Plan Implementation - Part 1 (Virtual Training)

The first training in the CoP’s 9-part series of a variety of topics across Indian Country. Cris Gastner and Kevin Klingbeil from Big Water Consulting led a discussion and exercises about the foundations and essential components of CED in Indian Country and an introduction to CED planning. 

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Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

The CoP has featured these SME due to their knowledge, expertise, and experience in Indigenous economic development projects across the country and beyond boarders. View the CoP’s featured SME bios, contact information, and featured events they were a part of.