Core Concepts of Indigenous Community Economic Development
Indigenous Community Economic Development’s (CED) purpose is to uplift communities by promoting sustainability, creating community facilities, developing housing, attracting investments, building wealth, encouraging business development, and creating jobs; while keeping community well-being, values, and culture at the forefront of decision-making.
Read about fundamental business structuring guidelines, economic development strategies, important tribal legislation, and more below.
Linking the Sectors of Community Economic Development: Resource Roadmap
Learn about the CoP Resource Roadmap which links the sectors of Community Economic Development.
Limited Partnerships
Learn more about Limited Partnerships (LP), a type of business structuring.
What are "Business Incubators”?
Learn about what Business Incubators can do for your community and entrepreneurs and view examples.
Tribal-Owned Business Structuring
Learn what a tribal business structure is and how it differs from other business structures.