Data & Digital Tools
Tribal Energy Projects Database
“The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy supports a variety of energy-related projects on tribal lands. Through these projects, tribes and Alaska Native villages have built the institutional capacity to manage their energy needs, assessed the feasibility of energy efficiency and renewable energy installations, and demonstrated the viability of installing renewable energy systems on tribal lands. Filter the map and table below by state, technology, or project category, or search for a tribe.”
CICD Data and Resources
The Center for Indian Country Development (CIDC) provides a variety of resources for Native communities, including Native Community Data Profiles, Tribal Economic Zones, both Native Labor Market and Entrepreneurship dashboards and more.
Tribal Energy Atlas
The Tribal Energy Atlas is an interactive mapping tool that provides data to conduct energy related analysis on tribal lands. Tribes can use the Atlas to understand their current energy baseline and analyze potential options.
Data sets include:
Renewable energy resource potential on tribal lands
Existing energy infrastructure
Tribal land boundaries
End user energy costs
Land class categories for each tribal area