Close up shot of a man's Indigenous regalia

Explore summaries from all past CoP events, review presentation slides and other event sourced materials, and connect with featured subject matter experts (SME).

Creating an Economic Development Plan and Embarking on Plan Implementation - Part 2 (Virtual Training)
Funding, Strategic Planning, Core Components Kevin Klingbeil Funding, Strategic Planning, Core Components Kevin Klingbeil

Creating an Economic Development Plan and Embarking on Plan Implementation - Part 2 (Virtual Training)

This virtual training introduced participants who are entering or considering an economic development planning process to its core components. Participants learned about the key   internal and external actors, the process’s timeline and duration, the data required, and critical outcomes. 

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Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

The CoP has featured these SME due to their knowledge, expertise, and experience in Indigenous economic development projects across the country and beyond boarders. View the CoP’s featured SME bios, contact information, and featured events they were a part of.