Cost reimbursement for Tribal Infrastructure Through 105(l) Lease Program
A 105(l) lease is an agreement between Indian Affairs and a Tribe or Tribal Organization to reimburse facility costs incurred while carrying out programs, services, functions, and activities (PSFAs).
Indian Community Development Block Grant Program
The Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program provides direct grants for development such as decent housing, suitable living environments, and economic opportunities in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities. Projects funded by the ICDBG program must principally benefit low-and-moderate income persons.
Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant
The USDA Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant program provides grants and affordable funding to develop essential community facilities in rural areas including Tribal communities.
Food security among American Indian/Alaska Native families living in urban areas is often overlooked, as many mistakenly believe that AI/AN people live predominantly on reservation lands. This article discusses missing local-level data on food access and addressing data violence to strengthen policies to lessen food insecurity and health disparities.