Brief Description: ‘Native agriculture’ encompasses the efforts of tribes and Native communities to affirm and strengthen their food systems and sovereignty through the growth, preparation, distribution and consumption of traditional foods. For purposes of this session, 'Native agriculture' also includes the development and financing of agricultural businesses run by Native producers and Native-owned businesses operated in urban settings that seek to bring traditional Native foods to a more diverse audience through an array of business formats and distribution networks.
This session will feature a panel of experts who work for tribal and Native organizations that operate food sovereignty programs or are actively developing Native food systems in collaboration with Native producers, restaurateurs, schools and providers of food assistance programs, for example, as well as the organizations that provide grants, loans, financing and technical assistance in support of these activities.
Niweskok (From the Stars to Seeds) nonprofit collaboration of Wabanaki farmers, health professionals, and educators working to revitalize food systems for tribes in northeast Maine. The collection are responsible to their communities.