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Regional Tribal/Native Economic Development Activities and Organizations (Virtual Informational Session)

Brief Description: Economic development is a largely regional activity and tribes are generally more comfortable initially entering into regional economic development partnerships and capacity-building efforts with other tribes. Several regional intertribal entities (including ATNI, GLITC and USET) have created economic development arms or departments that have developed economic development plans (e.g., CEDS), developed training and capacity-building programs, and have even created communities of practice. This session will allow the regional entities to showcase their activities and also allow the CoP members to discuss how these regional entities fit into/complement the CoP, and how the presence of these regional entities factor into the long-term sustainability of this CoP.

February 26

Accessing the Resources and Capital to Support Economic Development - Part 1 (Virtual Training Session)

March 26

Accessing the Resources and Capital to Support Economic Development - Part 2 (Virtual Training Session)