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The Role of Data in Tribal/Native Economic Development: Evaluating Existing Sources and Tribal/Native Opportunities to Fill Data Gaps (Virtual Session)

Monthly Session

Brief Description: Underlying the challenges that tribes, tribal enterprises and individual Native business owners face in obtaining grants, loans and other capital is the lack of accurate or even relevant data concerning tribal and Native economies and the conditions within Native lands.

This session will center on the need for an evaluation of the local, state, federal, tribal and other data that does exist to determine whether it is accurate, relevant and current as well as existing initiatives and opportunities for tribes and Native communities & enterprises to fill data gaps and have their data validated & accepted by lenders, investors, government agencies and philanthropic entities.

Pre-Session Resources:

June 24

Linking Housing and Economic Development: A Workshop on Removing Siloes and Integrating Community Development Activities (In-Person Workshop)

August 14

Grant Application Best Practices (Virtual Session)