Resource to Fund 50% of Solar Projects for Multifamily Owners, PHA’s, Tribes, and Communities
Overview of Low-income Communities Bonus Credit Program
The Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program (48e), administered by the Department of Energy (DOE), promotes cost-saving solar or wind investments in low-income communities, on Native American/tribal land, as part of affordable housing developments, and benefiting low-income households.
This program was added by Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Learn more about IRA’s Clean Energy Tax Credits for Tribal Governments, Alaska Native Corporations, Tax-Exempt Organizations and Individuals.
Under this program, there are opportunities that can help fund 50% of solar project costs at Federally-assisted residential properties. HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs and HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing has published a video. This video is part of its series of recordings and shares basic requirements and why multifamily owners, Public Housing Agencies, tribes, and communities should look into this unique and new opportunity.
The DOE will continue accepting applications until capacity limitations are reached.