Grant for Infrastructure, Renewable Energy, & Develop Climate and Clean Energy Plans

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program for Indian Tribes

(EECBG) Program provides $8.8 million to 774 eligible Tribes, including Alaska Native Regional and Village and can be used to upgrade buildings, install renewable energy equipment, or develop climate and clean energy plans.

Additional Resources:

Click to watch EECBG Introductory Tribal Webinar

Click to watch EECBG Program | Introductory Tribal Webinar

Click to watch EECBG Introduction to Grant Application Process

Click to watch EECBG Program | Introduction to Grant Application Process

Click to watch EECBG Program Introduction to Vouchers Option

Click to watch EECBG Program | Introduction to Vouchers Option


The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program can be used as seed funding that can grow into bigger projects, assisting communities to meet energy efficiency goals. The EECBG Program also has a voucher application option, intended to streamline the application and management process.

The funding available through the EECBG Program is noncompetitive; all eligible Tribes have already been allocated these funds from DOE — the next step is to apply to receive them. There is no match requirement for EECBG Program funds.

To learn more about your allocation amount, please see the EECBG Program Tribal Allocations document. To learn about what types of projects you can pursue with EECBG Program funding, review the Eligible Activities and Program Guidance document.


The full application is due May 31, 2025 for Tribes.

First Steps for Traditional Grants & Vouchers:

Eligible Tribes may apply for a voucher or a grant, but not both

  1. Check to confirm that your Tribe is eligible for an EECBG Program formula award and determine your allocation amount: Tribes EECBG Program Allocations.

  2. Determine if you will select a voucher or a grant. To learn more, check out the EECBG Program Voucher Handbook

  3. Review the allowable activities, found in the EECBG Program Guidance


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