The Catawba Nation’s Sovereign Regulatory Zone; Unique Legal Framework for Digital Entrepreneurs


The Catawba Indian Nation of the Carolinas has created the Catawba Digital Economic Zone (CDEZ). The CDEZ is a sovereign regulatory zone and the first jurisdiction within the United States created for digital entrepreneurs, freelancers, digital assets, and other digital technologies. The CDEZ has created legal framework specifically designed for web3 and emerging technologies.

The CDEZ says they offer a solid and efficient commercial code covering both digital and non-digital enterprises. They state that their regulatory practices are guided by the model laws of the American Bar Association and the Uniform Law Commission, along with the Restatements of Common Law by the

  • Model Laws by the American Bar Association

  • Model laws by the Uniform Law Commission

  • Restatements of Common Law by the American Legal Institute


“The Catawba Digital Economic Zone’s original name is Green Earth Zone. The name originates from a site within the Catawba Indian Nation currently set aside for economic development. 15 acres of the Green Earth Site have been set aside for the CDEZ by the Catawba General Council.”


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